Jun 6, 2017
“Welcome to Astuna”—Published in Apex Magazine, Issue 97, June 2017.
Read it here: https://www.apex-magazine.com/welcome-to-astuna/
Pip Coen is supposedly a neuroscientist. They even gave him a PhD and everything. But real brains are frustratingly complicated, so he often writes about fictional ones instead. In his spare time, he can be found playing poker, hitting the snooze button, or adding a new pin to his travel map. He is a graduate of the Clarion Writers’ Workshop at UCSD, and his fiction has appeared or is upcoming in Apex and Compelling SF. In theory, he can be found at pipcoen.com.
This Apex Magazine podcast was performed and produced by Mahvesh Murad. Music used with kind permission of BenSound.com!
Apex Magazine Podcast, Copyright Apex Publications.