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Apex Magazine Podcast

Dec 7, 2021

"Soil of Our Home, Storm of Our Lives" — published in Apex Magazine, issue 128, December 2021.

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Renan Bernardo is a science fiction and fantasy writer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Dark Matter...

Nov 2, 2021

"To Seek Himself Again" — published in Apex Magazine, issue 127, November 2021.

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Marie Croke is an award-winning fantasy and science-fiction writer living in Maryland with her family, all of whom like to scribble messages in her notebooks when she's not...

Oct 5, 2021

"Security Breach at Sugar Pine Suites" — published in Apex Magazine, Indigenous Futurists special issue, October 2021.

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Pamela Rentz is a citizen of the Karuk Tribe and works as a paralegal specializing in tribal affairs. She is a graduate of...

Sep 7, 2021

"Cottonmouth" — published in Apex Magazine, issue 125, September 2021.

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Please note that this story includes racial violence against Black people and references to slavery.

Joelle Wellington grew up in Brooklyn, New York, where her childhood was spent wandering the...

Aug 8, 2021

Writing is a challenging task. A profession for some, a hobby for others. Regardless, there is often a shared sense of helplessness when it comes to matters such as who is published, why they're published, and the processes behind those decisions.

It is with these three questions in mind (who/why/how) that we...